Specialization in General and Digestive Surgery. General Surgery Service and digestive. Sant Joan University Hospital. Rovira and Virgili University.
Reus Tarragona, Spain.
Email: franciscojavier.buils@salutsantjoan.cat; Tel: +34 629 38 47 78
Member of the Catalan Society of Surgery, Spanish Association of Surgeons, Spanish Society of Bullfighting Surgery, Spanish Society of Laparoscopic Surgery (SECLA), Academy of Medical Sciences and Health of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. He is an Associate Professor Department of Medicine and Surgery, Rovira I. Virgili University, Tarragona. Esophagogastric consultant surgeon. Sant Joan University Hospital. Reus (Tarragona), Spain. European University Diploma. Hepatic Pancreatic and Biliary Cancers: Onco- Surgical Strategies. Paul Brousse Hospital - Center Hepato-Biliary Center. Faculty of Medicine Paris-Sud. Master Teknon in Medical-Surgical Laser. Photonic Medicine. Barcelona. Spain Reviewer Member of many Journal and have attended many conferences worldwide.
Research interests:
General Surgery