mRNA Vaccine Bio-EMF Physics Analysis and Determining the Ultimate Origin of Covid-19

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Jack Y. C. Kong, P. Eng
Industrial Nuclear Fire Safety, J K and Associates, USA.

Correspondence to: Jack Y. C. Kong, Industrial Nuclear Fire Safety, J K and Associates, USA.
Received date: October 04, 2022; Accepted date: October 30, 2022; Published date: November 08, 2022
Citation: Kong JYC, Eng P (2022) mRNA Vaccine Bio-EMF Physics Analysis and Determining the Ultimate Origin of Covid-19. J Clin Biomed Invest 2(2): pp. 32-35. doi: 10.52916/jcbi224016
Copyright: ©2022 Kong JYC, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


If the people understand the imaging engineering principle of how electron microscope technologies develop its pictures of viral infections and interpret those images accordingly to the atomic physics level, they will avoid using the current multi-billion unlimited forms and shapes receptor puzzle theory to interpret and betting on the current Covid-19 pandemic technical issues. It’s time for the biomedical, virology and related professions to apply bio-Electron/Proton Magnetic Field (bio-EMF) atomic physics to redefine the meaning of viral infection into two specific stages. Scientifically further exploring the phenomenon of antigens and antibodies in more detail to understand the current mRNA vaccine technologies and to determine the ultimate origin of the airborne Covid-19 coated with human bio-EMF molecules, predict its virulence behaviors.


bio-Electron/Proton Magnetic Field (bio-EMF), Bio-atomic physics, Quantum bio-mechanics, Bio-combos, Bio-electronic defense barriers.


It’s time for the biomedical, virology and related professions to apply bio-Electron/Proton Magnetic Field (bio-EMF) atomic physics to redefine the viral infection technically into two specific stages in order to understand the current mRNA vaccine technologies and to determine the ultimate origin of the Covid-19.
For the R and D of any science, wrong theories will lead to looking at the wrong technical directions collecting useless wrong data. The current billion forms and shapes receptor puzzle theory [1] applying in the Covid-19 R and D in response to the business and political pressures is a very clear evidence and example of misleading theory, collecting politically needed data of all forms and levels instead of true scientific data for the understanding of the current viral pandemic issues to the atomic bonds level. In accordance with the following technical interpretation of the bio-atomic engineering’s bio-EMF 4Ts theories from the article of Viral-Genetic Safety Engineering of Apply bio-EMF Science [2].
Every genus living species has its own very specific symbiosis virus with compatible 3 dimensional bio-EMF atomic bond electrons sharing energy criteria needed for evolution. This unique bio-EMF establishment is the fundamental predator and prey bio-atomic physics evolution relationship, explaining the reason why over millions of different strains of viruses jump across, on a daily contact basis with thousands of other genera, will not cause deadly forces of bio-molecular reaction of pandemic as per T4-phenomenon of strugglation and disintegration theory. Mammals of diversified ecosystems are still safe and remain co-existing in harmony with nature.

The science of immunology and viral genetics should recognize and respect the theory that all genera are formed by their uniquely formulated conglomerates of atom combinations, bonding together with bio-EMF(Field) of forces in an equilibrium state. And based on this atomic engineering principle to scientifically further define the viral atomic behavior in more detail, for people to understand infections to the atomic bonds level, regarding how the viral immunity system works relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic and other potential viral infection disasters in the coming future.
From the bio-atomic physics point of view, the viral infection process basically should be divided into two separate stages. The first and initial stage is the process of the invading virus coat’s surface molecular electrons trying to integrate and merge viral molecules with the targeted host cell membrane’s atomic bonds, in order to crack open the cell membrane for the second stage. A stage of viral genetic materials being delivered and entering the targeted host cell leading to viral disease by interaction with the cell’s genetic materials to complete the virus life cycle.

Associated with the bio-EMF of a human body’s immunity system is the quantum bio-mechanics. It is a memory and operation system to recognize and adjust the bio-EMF of electrons sharing pattern energy requirements in order to reject a previous infection from the same type of cross genus viral bioEMF electron invasion. By applying the theories stated in the bio-EMF 4Ts article for the following technical analysis of the current Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon, we can explain and predict its behavior, and also determine its ultimate origin from the bio-atomic level. Such as to prove that the Covid-19 is originated from the laboratory, edited with human bio-EMF molecules. Hence all the current Covid-19 vaccines manufactured under the traditional or the new genetic technology theories [3] e.g. mRNA technologies will never prevent the Covid-19 virus infections, even though people have kept on injecting these “Vaccines” again and again. The 4Ts Theories can also further explore and question the industries’ frontier mRNA technologies claiming other efficacies from the bio-EMF atomic bond level.

Technical Analysis 1: The Bio-EMF of Failing Traditional Vaccine Technology

All living entities including human cells or viruses, their genetic materials are housed in a thin layer of biomolecules with their very unique bio-EMF. They are namely cell membranes and virus coats. One can imagine and comparing the cell membrane bio EMF are electronic defense barrier, while the virus coat consist of molecules with specific bio-EMF electronic pattern needed for the virus carrying its genetic materials to enter and exit the cells doing its job as an evolution engineers and bricklayers per bio-EMF T2 theory-phenomenon of virus as bricklayer and engineer and bio-EMF T3 theory-phenomenon of evolution force factors theories.

Prior to applying the above theories, we need to understand how vaccines stop infections from the bio-atomic physics point of view. Traditional vaccines are biomolecules manufactured with reference to the molecular blueprints of specific infection byproducts-antigen. It's a bio-combos consisting of different kinds of biomolecules carrying the specific bio-EMF pattern of the invading virus [3]. A bio-mechanism of this specific phenomenon never scientifically explored to the bio-EMF atomic level nor identified before. This bio-EMF blueprint possess the key analog electronic signal to trigger the quantum bio-mechanics of the cell memory, leading to the activation of the cell membrane molecules to adjust its atomic bond electrons sharing energy pattern requirements, reject the invading viral electrons from that specific type of bio-EMF. Stop the virus invasion at the membrane bio-EMF level, keeping it outside the cell. And also maintaining an unbalanced and unstable bio-EMF environment for the invading virus leading to the bio-atomic bonds disintegration of the virus with bio-combos bearing the same virus bio-EMF as per the T4 theory.

Since the phenomenon of all of these Covid-19 variants keeps infecting human beings again and again even though the pandemic victims were vaccinated many times, boostered and (or) had been infected many times. This infection phenomenon is inconsistent with the above traditional classic vaccine theory and the records that it only needs one vaccine shot to activate the host bio-EMF immunity system to reject the invading virus electrons. This phenomenon is also inconsistent with the quantum mechanics and analog physics theories broadly applied in other fields of non-bio hi-tech industries for decades. From the interpretation of the above captioned phenomenon, one can only conclude that the current Covid-19 vaccines manufactured with reference to the Covid-19 bio-combos antigen’s bio-EMF blueprints are extremely compatible or identical to the bio-EMF for human beings. That’s why the victims’ quantum bio-mechanics memory and immunity systems can not distinguish these vaccines bio-EMF is a cross genus invading bio-molecules.

By cross checking the airborne variants infection data with billions of other animals such as house cats and dogs or any other genera in close contact with human beings. All Covid-19 variants failed to cross infect any other genera leading to similar pandemic deaths or diseases, but only left traces of viral contamination byproducts, carrying its unique bio-EMF blueprints. This phenomenon should not be considered as an infection from the bio-atomic point of view. Once again, by applying the T1-phenomenon of virus in biomolecular evolution and mutation theory in the article of viral-genetic safety engineering of apply bio-EMF science to analyze this phenomenon. The only logical way to explain this said infection phenomenon is, the Covid-19 is coated with bio-EMF molecules specifically to infect human beings.

Technical Analysis 2: The mRNA Technology is No Vaccine

From the bio-atomic engineering point of view, there is a major conceptual difference between the mRNA and the traditional vaccine technologies. The mRNA technology concept is using an artificial virus misleading the human cell membrane’s bioEMF defense barrier mechanism, cracking entrance openings to deliver the RNA nanoparticles inside the cell nucleus, to start the so-called viral infection treatments inside the cell. This operation concept basically reversed the bio-engineering logic of how traditional vaccines activate the bio-EMF immunity system to stop the viral invasion at the boundary of cell membranes. The traditional vaccine technology does not need to deliver any foreign materials inside the targeted host cell.

The components used in this technology to mislead and crack open the human cell membrane’s immune system are manufactured with the molecular blueprint of HIV-1 antigen [4], a bio-combos using a new name called lipid nanoparticles. This is a very typical infection byproduct also carrying a very a bio-EMF very compatible with human bio-EMF. Its bio-EMF blueprint can be traced back to the original HIV bio-EMF in the early 1980s, a well known bio-EMF has the capacity to disable the human bioEMF immune system.

This mRNA engineering concept is inconsistent with the technical meaning of vaccine to prevent infection with reference to the two stages infection theory as stated in the previous paragraphs. This is a clear bio-atomic physics reason why people will be infected again and again with this mRNA technology. It’s also the same bio-atomic engineering principle, for more than 40 years of R and D efforts, the bio-industries still can not develop any HIV vaccine without respecting the existence of bio-EMF forming the HIV virus.

Technical Analysis 3: Cross Examination of the mRNA Acclaimed Efficacy with Bio-EMF Theory and FDA Guidelines

Formal analysis and reviewing any pharmaceutical companies’ acclaimed efficacy of mRNA with reference to the applicable bio-technical codes (Laws in the profession of applied science and technologies), regulations and approval guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a huge multi-billion dollar technical business project with tons of paper works. This article can only provide a conceptual direction for interested technical persons to explore and assess the mRNA technologies' acclaimed efficacies in dealing with the Covid-19 viral disease at the atomic bio-EMF level.

As per FDA guidelines and regulations and cultural traditions, the mRNA vaccine FDA application preparation process was executed and supervised by a team of corporate lawyers and backed up by lobbyists instead of the actual frontline scientists. For this said reason, we have to read and interpret this technical analysis chapter as a legal document accordingly. No room for bio-business speech writers’ manipulation in the name of experts.

The mRNA drug application was filed for vaccine, a class of medicine to prevent Covid-19 infection as per FDA application forms and guidelines. Accompanied with the application submissions should be the required Trust the Science Theory and trials efficacy data records to verify and prove its mRNA vaccine theories and also meet the FDA safety standard requirements. However, from the above technical analysis 1 and 2, this strain of Covid-19 virus coat has a very unique bio-EMF perfectly matched for human beings. This said conclusion has already and also directly demonstrated and proven by the massive data that the efficacy of the mRNA vaccines preventing any of the Covid-19 variants infection is basically zero. These mNRA drugs can not and should not be classified as vaccines in the market, but could be considered as a potential new class of medicine or technologies with reference to other FDA approval guidelines.

Technical Analysis 4: Applying the Bio-EMF Theory to Cross Check Pharmaceutical Companies’ Other Proclaimed mRNA Efficacies

After the technologies failed to prevent infections, pharmaceutical companies are now proclaiming other benefits which they have never claimed about while filing their FDA applications for vaccines. They are proclaiming the phenomenon of the reducing severity of the pandemic symptoms and death rates of infected patients. This is a pure business proclamation without any scientific theory nor technical evidence to support their claims.

With the interpretation of the FDA legislated guidelines, their claims have not been formally applied, reviewed nor approved by the FDA with reference to the approval guidelines at the time they submitted their applications. The legitimacy of their proclaimed efficacies can be directly compared to and equivalent to any of us the street people, doctors or experts claiming the efficacy of Ivermectin healing Covid-19 symptoms and reducing death rates etc. The credibility of their trust thesScience and no questions ask for 50 years mRNA theory to claim such credit is very un-scientific and against the principle ethics of the FDA approval guidelines.

However, by applying the bio-EMF T4-phenomenon of struggulation and disintegration theory, one can assess and understand this phenomenon from a very simple bio-atomic physics point of view that there is a clear bio-physics factor contributing to this phenomenon. It’s the Covid-19 frequency of mutations, a bio-atomic physics process of reducing the magnitude of unbalanced bio-EMF stresses of the virus inside the patient. Resulting in reducing the absolute magnitude of violent forces of biomolecular atomic bonds disintegration of the patient. Hence reducing the virulence symptom severities and death rates.

This bio-EMF T4 theory phenomenon can be easily verified if someone or the World Health Organization (WHO) can help collect the following data globally for each Covid-19 strain variant. Express these data in accordance to the variant mutation sequence and its predecessors relationships with each other: Starting from and designating Wuhan Covid-19 as the original first generation.

Date of each Covid-19 variant aka mutation generation first reported; its geographic location and parent variant relations; variant surviving life span. Each specific Covid-19 variant infection symptom severity and death rate with mRNA vaccine shot vs. with other vaccine technology shot vs. without any vaccine shot. The above mentioned data collecting methods should give us a set of clear pictures, indicating the Covid-19’s deadly violence and the severity of symptoms will be reduced in proportion to the magnitude of unbalanced bio-EMF forces and the spots being reduced through mutation process. That is the main biophysics reason the Omicron 5 varians will be much less deadly than the Wuhan and India Delta variants.

Technical Analysis 5: Determine the Ultimate Origin of Covid-19 Carrying Human Bio-EMF

One can meaningfully trace back and judge where this Covid-19 is ultimately originated from to a certain level by assessing its bio-physics violence behaviors to the atomic bonds level. With respect to the analyzed results from the above 4 technical analysis by applying the bio-EMF T1 theory. It’s clear that the Covid-19 consists of two different kinds of bio-EMFs belonging to two different genera. They are respectively the bat bio-EMF Corona genetics [5,6] and the human bio-EMF forming the virus coat leading to the current unstoppable pandemic viral disaster. This bi-genera bio-EMF virus infection phenomenon has never been recorded before. From a bio-atomic physics point of view judging with the geo-magnetics, geo-temperatures or chemical influence of natural mutation factors, this un-usual Covid-19 corona virus has to be a man-made virus at a very low laboratory temperature. A current bio-laboratory standard procedure to lower the lab induced stress magnitude of the unstable bio-atomic bonds energy, to prevent bio-atomic bonds disintegration, killing the virus R and D project.

By further reviewing the variants mutations and the self vanishing phenomenon of the Covid-19. Since the Wuhan strain was discovered, it has more than 12 records of non-stop mutations and self vanished variants within 2 years [7,8]. Just Omicron alone already has more than 12 lineage mutation variants discovered. From the bio-atomic physics point of view, every lineage change discovered implies there is a deadly spot of lab inserted unstable bio-EMF stress within the gene structure. That means the original Covid-19 strain’s genetic structures consist of more than 12 un-natural, unstable and unbalanced bio-EMF spots killing those vanished variants. The number of spots and variants of vanishing phenomenon is another clear indication pointing to a direct conclusion that this Covid-19 is made with the current lab technologies in a very low temperature with persistent efforts.

The above technical assessment pointing to the ultimate origin of Covid-19 from the laboratory can also be indirectly verified by the current Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Artificial Virus vaccines concept manufacturing and storage requirement standards. They also need very low temperature requirements, a temperature well below -55 ºC, well below the coldest geotemperature spot of our earth.

Discussion and Conclusion

The application of antigen/antibody puzzle receptors theory is no science any more. These outdated theories will never help R and D of vaccines needed to deal with Covid-19 infections carrying lab altered bio-EMF specifically for human beings. The mRNA vaccine technology applies a very dangerous concept without respecting the existence of the bio-EMF theory. This technology could lead to other potential infections in biocontaminated environments by disabling the mRNA vaccine receiver’s immune system.

It’s another blind luck attitude technology similar to the ignorant application of the gene editing technology in a Shenzhen hospital, a city in China next to Hong Kong, that killed an untold number of babies a few years ago.

Science is not a knowledge of betting nor trust. The word Science was derived from the word medical scissors. It means the knowledge of understanding and applying with sharp precision. In this technical analysis, we are so lucky that by applying the bio-atomic bond physics of the bio-EMF theory, we can cross check the Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines technologies more precisely to the atomic bonds level without the need of the current outdated blind luck puzzles theories nor wait for another 50 years to unseal the pharmaceutical companies efficacy technical data and related theories.

Since all real-world communication signals, including quantum bio-mechanics signals are analog signals, there could be a very very small chance of signal mis-communication between the targeted host cell’s immune system leading to a very rare, one in a multi-giga trillions chance of cross genus viral infection due to environmental factors. This is outside the discussion topics of this article and should not rule out the scientific value of the above technical analysis. However, the bio-physics behavior of this type of cross genus infection by nature will never be similar to this unstoppable and extremely unstable man-made bigenera Covid-19. Bio-technologies to the public are as dangerous as atomic nuclear technologies if we are ignorant about it. In the early 80s, a group of concerned front line young engineers, scientists and technicians in the USA sensed the danger of unregulated technologies R and D under the coercion of administrators.

They started a brief code movement, pressing for the legislation of applicable and meaningful laws to regulate the profession of science and technologies across the industries in order to avoid disasters like the FukuShima nuclear power plant incident and current Covid-19 global bio disaster. And also protect the professionalism of the science R and D frontiers from coercion pressures, especially for classified projects. Now, it’s time for the front line people, the scientists and technicians of all spectrums to resume this technical code movement and apply it in the biotech industries.


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